OXYMAT Custom Engineered Projects

A world front runner in developing, designing and manufacturing customised engineering PSA systems, turn-key, on-site O2 or N2 generating systems either inside a portable container or on a single skid, the Oxymat has unique gas generating systems for high pressure cylinder filling for gases like nitrogen and oxygen.

We ensure the satisfaction of the customers, hence each project is customized to meet your needs! Simply tell us what your require, and it will be provided to you!

Our dedicated sales, design and manufacturing team will work towards making your requirements come true. This means that your system will be based on the specifications that you provide to us and to achieve the optimum result we should collaborate with you on each step to find the best gas generation plant for oxygen or nitrogen supply for your application.

With maximum convenience, secure supply and reduced costs in mind, our engineers design and develop on-site oxygen and nitrogen generotors to meet your demands and applications. Based on flow, purity, pressure and local conditions we shall provide to you the system that suits you the best. The engineers will design the system, then make a site visit, and a final proposal as and when required.

Completely pre-fabricated, skid-mounted or containerised or systems mounted on wheels made of castor or stationary, stand alone or frame built nitrogen and oxygen generating systems can be designed and assembled by us also including systems that operate in hazardous, dust-filled or other extreme harsh environments.

Oxymat Custom Engineered PSA Systems

We believe that the sky is the limit. Whatever your need is, please do contact us even if it isn’t listed below. We assure you to provide a system that suits you the best. Below are the most general engineered products.

Oxymat´s previous custom engineered projects include:

  • Containerized units
  • High pressure filling station units
  • Skid-mounted generator systems
  • Specialized control systems
  • High purity nitrogen – OPAS
  • Frame built nitrogen and oxygen PSA systems