Scientific Research


Vacuum pump technology is used extensively within all the subfields of physics. For example, turbomolecular pumps are widely used in high-energy physics, fusion technology and general UHV research. Also mechanical roughing vacuum pump technologies are used by physicists, including: Rotary vane pumps, rotary piston pumps, dry semiconductor pumps, dry scroll vacuum pumps, diaphragm vacuum pumps and roots blower booster vacuum pumps. They all have an established role in physics research of today.


Vacuum conditions are especially important to chemists who specialize in experimental research and theory that thrive on new discoveries. Chemists rely on, and employ the wide range of vacuum technologies and products from Ezzi vision. These include: Turbo molecular pumps, cryo pumps, hybrid turbo drag-molecular pumps, rotary vane pumps, dry semiconductor pumps, dry scroll vacuum pumps, and rotary piston pumps.

We offer a range of vacuum products to meet the challenges of today’s research and development labouratories. Collabouration with major scientific instrument manufacturers, universities and major research institutes, national labouratories and industrial R&D facilities, together with the engineers and scientists, ensures a deep understanding of research and the role that vacuum plays. Our focus on technological advancement in vacuum as well as investment in manufacturing facilities around the world enables us to develop innovative products for many R&D scientists. From the earliest days of Torricelli, through the electric lamp and the electron tube to today’s state-of-the-art electronic devices, developments in vacuum technology have gone hand-in-hand with development in scientific understanding, technical innovation and new products. Examples of on-going vacuum enabled R&D applications:

  • Health cares where gene sequencing and protein research continue to drive mass spectrometry. As genetic differences among individuals are found, researchers use these techniques to develop more effective and personalized drugs.
  • Research on renewable energies using e.g. fusion technology, Solar photovoltaic’s efficiency improvements, hydrogen economy and fuel cells • Developing optical technologies for smallest structures in chemistry and semiconductors, e.g. free electron lasers
  • Particle physics and basic research, where the need for clean, highly evacuated beam lines and chambers has always been a challenge, for example at ANSTO in Australia, Australian Synchrotron, CERN large hadrons collider and the search for the Higgs boson
  • Fundamental research in nuclear physics, e.g. heavy ion research and search for heavier elements
  • Space simulation chambers and astrophysics e.g. telescopes
  • Nanostructures and micro-mechanical devices – their research and development of industrial scale processes
  • Extending Moore’s law to the limits of CMOS-based FET semiconductor technology and wherever that leads beyond
  • Accelerator technology for research and medical therapy