Closed Cycle Cryocoolers

Advanced Research Systems closed cycle cryocoolers, also known as dry cryostats, allow a system to be cooled down to liquid helium temperatures without the use of cryogens. The only utilities required are electricity and cooling water for the compressor.

These cryostats are sometimes referred to as ‘helium-free.’ A more accurate term would be ‘liquid helium free,’ since they do use helium gas, in a closed loop. This efficient recycling of the helium gas means that typically you will only need to add helium once every few years.

Another advantage of ARS’ cryogen-free closed cycle cryocoolers is that they are pneumatically driven, so they have very few moving parts. As a result, they are easier to maintain than other types of cryocoolers and are a good fit for low-vibration experimental setups.

We manufacture over 12 different models of cryocoolers and are able to incorporate modifications to make a system fit the customer’s application. It is this flexibility that allows for integration with goniometers, diffractometers and other space-restricting applications.


Light, affordable

Compact, axially symmetrical cryostat

Ideal for small heat loads, such as sample cooling in R&D applications

Cryostat ModelType


Best value

Excellent cryostat for most applications

Moderate size

Extra cooling power

Cryostat ModelType


High cooling power

Largest and most powerful closed cycle cryostat

Ideal for systems where high heat loads and fast cooldowns are required

Cryostat ModelType


Fast cooldown

Excellent option to build your own custom laboratory interface

Multiple cryostat models, including Turbo option


Cryostat ModelType
DE-100 SeriesCCR