Vacuum Viewports

MPF Products

Vacuum Viewports Custom Designed for Your Most-Demanding Applications 

Viewports are plane parallel windows hermetically-sealed to stainless steel mounts such as: Weld adapter (-W), Quick Flange (-QF) or Conflat Flange (-CF). These assemblies are specifically designed to conveniently port the transmission of electromagnetic radiation into and/or out of sealed systems. Several standard material options are offered covering various common transmission ranges and applications. Optical coatings are available to enhance and optimize viewport transmission. Narrow and broad band anti-reflective coatings are offered standard. All viewports are UHV compatible. Other mounting options as well as non-standard materials, coatings and optical features may be customized to meet specific applications. 

Sapphire & Fused Silica


High temperature up to 450 degrees

Fused Silica

Laser Quality Optics

MPF manufactures Sapphire and Fused Silica viewports using proprietary vacuum brazing and welding techniques. Sapphire viewports are available with view diameters up to 3 inches, and are bakeable to 450˚C. Single crystal, sapphire windows, with either 0˚ or 90˚ orientation, offer excellent transmission from 250 nm to 4 microns. Fused Silica viewport designs are available with diameters up to 8 inches and include zero length designs for low profile applications. These are all bakeable to 200˚C. Several standard grades of Fused Silica windows are offered Several standard grades of Fused Silica windows are offered having excellent transmission from 193m to 2 microns.   

Bbar & Coated Fused Silica

Optimized Transmission Characteristics 

MPF offers a full line of tailored laser viewports designed specifically for a variety of popular high-power lasers. These viewports utilize optimum window and anti-reflective coating specifications to maximize performance at specific wavelengths. Supported wavelengths and laser applications are: 193nm-Ar Excimer, 248nm-KrF Excimer,780nm-Diode and 1064nm YaG.

Extended Range Vacuum Optics

These ultra-high vacuum (UHV) viewports employ window materials such as Zinc Selenide, Magnesium Fluoride and Calcium Fluoride. All-metal-sealed, extended-range optics are available in 1 inch and 2 inch view diameters with a combined transmission range of 120nm to 20 microns. Coatings which enhance the transmission performance of many of these viewports are offered as standard options. Many nonstandard materials, coatings and optical specifications may be reviewed and quoted to meet custom application requirements.